Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Addiction - Thread/Yarn


I suppose there are worse addictions to have. Mine is yarn, thread, and crochet books. When I started crocheting again back in late November of '06, I bought one skein of yarn, and an "I taught myself to crochet" kit. I had never really made anything when I crocheted before, just "mastered" the sc and attempted an afghan with that stitch. *yawn*

I have accumulated several crochet books as well...thanks ebay! I mean really...if it is a good can you pass that up?

So...since November this is what I have accumulated...Hobby Lobby doesn't help, they have had some incredible sales...$.099 yarn, $1.17 thread...I can't help it I can't pass up a deal. Did I mention...its an addiction? Keep in mind that the drawers you see are 2 deep in skeins. (Ah-hah! There is that dark purple thread I thought I had but couldn't find with my other thread!)

I'm an addict. I don't care. I'm off to go look for sales and see what is new on ebay!

Monday, May 21, 2007

I didn't get much done over the weekend. I ended up working on Sunday, which I normally have off. I started a new PK oval doily in wood rose (I think) thread. I still haven't frogged the other one I was working on, I am still trying to decide. I think the colors are just too wild to do as a doily.

I noticed this morning that Sara has new colors ready to sell. Trying to avoid that temptation. Cuz really, it's not like I need it, I just want it. I am going to try to do better with controlling my addiction. Not sure how long that will last. The colors are so pretty.

I hope to have some time over the long weekend to crochet and chill. Hoping to get outside and do some yardwork too. We shall see.

Friday, May 18, 2007

to-frog or not-to-frog...

I decided to frog it. I couldn't find a complimenting color to go back and try to neutralize it, so I decided to let it go. I'll have to find something wild and fun to use this thread's definately not doily material!
So my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. I really did have to frog back to the previous round on my current doily. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though. It just seemed like it when I first found it and I was tired. It only took me like 15 minutes to frog and re-do. However, I am seriously considering frogging the whole thing, because it is just not working for me. I think I can find something better suited for the thread I am using. It is too bright and varigated to work well with this doily and would be much prettier as something else. I am about 2/3 done, and that is a weeks worth of work gone down the drain, but if I never use it, or can't give it to anyone because it doesn't look right...then the time and thread was wasted wasted anyway. I took a picture of it as it is before I actually frog it, just so I remember WHY I frog it.

I went to Hobby Lobby. I bought thread. I couldn't help it. I'm an addict. Does it count that some of it is for my friend Heather who doesn't have a HL in VA? I didn't think so. Oh well.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My Mom got her doily and loved it! She called me last night to tell me how pretty it was and she couldn't believe how "crafty" I had become. I love crocheting doilies because they look a lot more intricate than they really are, and there is quick turnaround time on them. She couldn't believe that I had done one in between my Grandmas and hers.

The one I am working on now, I realized has a mistake on the previous round. I am going to have to go back tonight and frog it back to that point and fix it. I found the mistake Sunday night, and decided I would wait until I was less tired to re-examine it. Maybe my eyes were just playing tricks on me. I was too tired last night to look at it, but I don't have to work my second job tonight, so should have time to work on it.

Hobby Lobby has DMC crochet thread on sale this week. Sara is about due for another round of hand-dyed thread. I really need to try to avoid temptation and not buy more thread. It's an addiction, I have plenty, but is there such a thing as too much? But its on sale! But I don't have that color combo! But...but...but...

Thursday, May 10, 2007


I just figured out that images are clickable! This really helps with seeing the detail in the stitches...if you are interested...
My first Patricia Kristoffersen! "Precious" doily from Simply Delightful doilies. I finished this just in time for Mother's Day and just have to get it off in the mail to her tomorrow so she will get it in time. I also made a bookmark for my Grandma with the leftover fractel thread I had from my nightstand doily. I got the pattern for the bookmark is from another Crochetville member via her blog. It is really quick and easy to do, and a good way to use up that last little bit of thread left over from other projects.
Now...I could do some work on the Prairie Star quiltghan, but it is finally deciding to have nice weather here in GA and the idea of working with warm yarn is not very maybe I will have to work on some smaller charity items for the charity blitz I am in on the 'Ville...or find another thread project. I have some crinoline lady patterns I purchased a while ago, and some beautiful thread from Sara's Colorwave Yarns...I could work on snowflakes...did I mention...I have a yarn and thread addiction and my stash is overflowing? I just can't seem to pass up a good deal. That would be another post though!


"Exciting" doily from Extra-Special Doilies by Mary Werst. Done in size 10 hand-dyed thread (color is "fractel") purchased from Sara's Colorwave Yarns on ebay. If you ever want some unique varigated thread, I highly recommend this seller's store. This one I kept for my nightstand.

Pineapple Delight

My first doily. I gave it to my Grandma for her birthday.


They had a crochet-along on to introduce crocheting with thread to those that had not crocheted with thread before. So I tried it. The project was for size 3 thread with a D hook. This isn't what the project was...but it opened my eyes to thread crochet. I decided "hey, this isn't so hard", and bought some more thread (size 10) and some snowflake pattern books off of ebay.

This was my first attempt at making a snowflake. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. So now I have plans to make a bunch of snowflakes for my Christmas tree and to give as gifts this Christmas. Not sure where I think I will find the time for all the projects I want to do. I tend to work better under pressure and deadlines anyway. I'm sure I will be crocheting and blocking snowflakes like mad the week before Christmas. I'm not so excited about the blocking process, but it definately makes the finished project.

Prairie Star Progress

This is an quiltghan I am working on for my Mom. Originally it was going to be for her birthday, errrrrr back in February. Obviously I didn't get it done in time. Then I was going to shoot for Mother's Day. it still looks like this, and Mother's Day is this coming Sunday. So, maybe I will finish it in time for Christmas 2007! I am now trying to feverishly finish a doily for Mother's Day for her instead.
The afghan under it was given to me by my Grandma 17 years ago as a wedding present. It has been well used, and is still in great condition. I have been looking for a pattern for it. I saw on that someone had recently made one and it was called a spiderweb afghan. Grandma doesn't have the pattern for it anymore, so I will have to just keep on looking. I would love to make one for my daughter when she gets married eventually. Maybe if I start working on it now...?

First Completed Project

This was my first completed project after coming back to crocheting for the first time in almost 20 years. Actually, it is probably my first completed project ever, since I don't think I ever really followed a pattern, just learned stitches before. It is an afghan I did for my daughter (a GA Bulldog fan) for Christmas. As you can see, it has been kitty tested and approved.

I am also working on an afghan for my son, which I actually started before this one, but it is a lot of SC, and it is quite boring to work on. I only have about 10 rows left, plus the fringe, you'd think I would just do it. I don't have any pictures of that one in progress.